Posted on May 11 by
Dr. Gerdon is super excited to share this amazing and comprehensive dive into what is currently being taught in Analytical Chemistry across the country. It was a lot of fun to work with faculty from across the world on this an to share the results in this publication. Let’s keep improving analytical chemistry education! Survey of the Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Curriculum Michelle L. Kovarik*, Betty Cristina Galarreta, Peter J. Mahon, Daniel A. McCurry, Aren E. Gerdon, Steven M. Collier, and Marjorie E. Squires
Posted on May 5 by
It was fantastic to gather for one last Group Meeting last week to celebrate the accomplishments of seniors Amanda, Dianna, Grace, Luz, and Rylie and to cheer in new researchers Hailey, Ryan, and Kristy. Julia will be our voice of leadership going into the summer! Where better to celebrate than Tasty Burger? These chemists do so much to forward our research projects and to contribute to the scientific community! Congrats to all the...
Posted on May 5 by
Do you know a fantastic Boston-area high school chemistry teacher? My research group has National Science Foundation (NSF) funding to support professional development for a high school teacher. That means – join our group this summer, get in the lab, learn some new chemistry, and get paid for...
Posted on Apr 29 by
Congratulations to all Distinction in the Field candidates on yesterday’s fantastic Distinction Day 2022, but a special congrats to GRAB Lab members Amanda Gilbert and Rylie Bolarinho. Amanda and Rylie worked diligently over their entire Emmanuel College career to earn Distinction in the Field. This included online work during pandemic shutdowns, a summer in the lab (with some A/C issues), hours in the lab in between classes during the semester, and more recent practice session after practice session to deliver polished and outstanding presentation. We are proud of your hard work! Rylie Bolarinho – Nanoparticle-aptamer conjugates as biomimetic mineralization templates Amanda Gilbert – DNA aptamers exhibit structure-dependent influence on collagen...
Posted on Mar 31 by
Congratulations to six research students on the amazing presentation of three posters at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego!! Amanda, Dianna, Grace, Julia, Luz, and Rylie (and Bailey!) worked hard in the lab over the past year to collect some really compelling results, worked even harder to get great-looking posters put together, and had very active posters in the session on Monday. It is an eye-opening experience to attend an ACS conference and it can be overwhelming to talk to so many chemists about your own work, but the researchers were amazing. They also learned a lot by attending talks, networking sessions, and the expo. Of course, we all enjoyed the sun, palm trees, water, sunsets, coffee, and tacos in beautiful San Diego!...
Posted on Mar 3 by
For Amanda’s last semester of research, she has been running more mineralization experiments with collagen and DNA aptamers! She has spent a lot of time by the ICP-AES (inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy), which is becoming her new favorite instrument. Amanda has also been working with new GRAB Lab members to continue the collagen research. When Amanda isn’t in the lab, she is preparing for the ACS conference, where she will present with Julia about collagen mineralization! She is so...