Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Ryan McCann ’23 – Learning Instruments and Interpreting Data

Posted on Jul 13 by

Ryan has been working on attaching our DNA aptamers to the three different gold nanoparticles that we’ve synthesized in the lab (including Rylie’s and Dianna’s syntheses), as well as starting calcium phosphate mineralization experiments using the absorbance plate reader instrument. He’s been working through calculations, solution prep, reactions and plate reader data analysis, and having tons of fun and learning lots along the way!​ His favorite part has been learning how to use all of the different instruments and learning how to interpret the...


Research Alumni Gathering 2022!

Posted on Jul 13 by

Dr. Gerdon and the current research group would like to say a huge thank you to all of the alumni who came out on Monday. We are inspired by the great things that you’re all achieving in science and in life. It is so rewarding to have the chance to catch up, hear about your lives and experiences, argue about cannolis and tiramisu, and have some fun. It was a beautiful evening at Time Out Market sitting outside, so it was a good experiment. We hope to see you all and more next...


Alumni Updates!

Posted on Jul 6 by

This summer it has been great to reconnect with GRAB Lab alumni and to hear about amazing work that’s happening all over the country. Soon we will get to gather to share old and new stories in person, but here are a few updates from those unable to make it to Boston next week! Congrats to Rylie, Dianna, Amanda, Luz, and Grace on graduation! All are off to amazing new adventures in chemistry. Dr. Juliann Gavin ’16 is in Hawaii, starting the 3rd year of her OBGYN residency at the Tripler Army Medical Center. Juliann is the first from the group to get her MD! Jason Miech ’18 just finished his third year at Arizona State towards his PhD. Check out these two recent papers (10.3390/toxics9110281 10.1016/j.aeaoa.2021.100105)! Dr. Aimee Sanford ’16 defended her PhD from Emory University in December and is now on the west coast at Nautilus Biotech. Dr. Keith Baillargeon ’16 defended his PhD from Tufts University in October and is cranking out the publications as a post-doc. Gabby Zabala ’21 started a new position as Scientist I...


Welcome Camilla to the Research Group!

Posted on Jul 6 by

We are very excited to have Camilla Alexius-Chin, an amazing high school chemistry teacher in the Boston Public School System, join the GRAB Lab this summer. Camilla is joining our National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project on DNA and nanoparticle assemblies as biomimetic templates for calcium phosphate mineralization. She is off to a great start getting to know the team, learning about our research projects, planning her own experiments, and thinking about the connection or transition between high school and college level chemistry that students make. She is also inspiring the research team and helping with troublesome experiments in the group. Keep an eye out for Camilla’s video introduction coming...


Meet the Group – now on Tik Tok!

Posted on Jun 29 by

Thanks to the pioneering spirit of GRAB Lab researcher Kristy Ta, we are moving into the age of video communication! I know, we’re probably a bit behind the game on this, but Kristy deserves a huge thanks for bringing this great idea forward. Now we’re expanding our social media presence and doing an even better job of sharing our accomplishments, challenges, frustrations, and victories in the experience that is chemistry research. Don’t worry, the blog will stay put, but you can also find us @ECGrabLab on Twitter, Instagram, and now TikTok!


Julia Japo ’22 – Temperature under Control

Posted on Jun 29 by

Julia has made a lot of progress this summer in terms of her mineralization experiments! She has even made her own oven/water bath for these experiments to control the temperature in the QCM (quartz crystal microbalance)! She is having a blast working on this project, getting to know the other group members, and exploring different food options nearby Emmanuel College. She is very excited to continue working towards the goal of determining the kinetics of collagen...