
Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Easwer Raman – Enamored by chromatography

Posted on Jul 9 by

Easwer is new to the team and has spent his summer synthesizing and experimenting with the conjugation of an antibody to a porphyrin nanoparticle. He has been learning how to use instruments such as Dynamic Light Scattering, Probe Sonication, and Anodic Stripping Voltammetry and is excited to learn more. He has been learning a new method for purification called Size Exclusion Chromatography, which will be helpful when differentiating and identifying different molecules involved in the experiment. Easwer is trying SEC for the first time and was enamored by the settling particles in the...


Publication! Congrats to student authors

Posted on Jun 17 by

Selected DNA aptamers influence kinetics and morphology in calcium phosphate mineralization Congrats to Jake, Alex, Krista, and Jason on their recent publication in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering! This is exciting work that elucidates the structure-function relationship between DNA aptamers and calcium phosphate mineralization. Great work GRAB LAB, now let’s build on that to see what comes next! Check out the abstract here:...


Alex Paige ’20 – fun with fluorescence

Posted on Jun 17 by

Alex has spent the beginning of the summer investigating the effects of the selected aptamers on the morphology and crystallinity of calcium carbonate. Although there is a lot of TEM and FT-IR to do, there is some leftover work with calcium phosphate. Alongside calcium carbonate experiments, Alex has been testing the affinity of the DNA to calcium phosphate using a FAM labeled aptamer. A test run was performed and the aptamer successfully attached to the mineralized calcium phosphate and...


Krista Meserve ’18 – Welcome New Directions

Posted on May 31 by

Browsing through the most recent edition of Chemical & Engineering News? Interested in landing that first industry job after graduation? Then you might have read Krista’s interview where she offers that, “My advice to current students is to welcome changes and new directions, and don’t get flustered when your schedule has to change on the fly. Just roll with the punches that science (and life) throws at you!” Great advice from Krista and from other chemists in their first industry job. The whole article is great if you’re pondering where chemistry can take you. One more piece of advice – keep up with Twitter and be sure to respond when an editor puts out a call for essays about your experiences. Way to go...


Dr. Gerdon – Take a deep breath…and create

Posted on May 31 by

Summer research is a magical time in the lab for Dr. Gerdon and research students. The stress of the semester starts to fade away and there’s finally enough time to take a deep breath, focus your attention to research, and let your mind wander towards new ideas. Summer research is a time to put your head down and power through a big list of experiments and it is a time for using your creativity to dream up a new experiment or new approach. Dr. Gerdon has been helping Alex come up with a new strategy for isolating mineral product for IR analysis and he’s tried a few one-off experiments with calcium carbonate mineralization. Here’s an interesting experiment where Dr. Gerdon inadvertently mineralized calcium carbonate on the surface of a glass slide using a 96 well-plate. Maybe not very useful, but...


Stephanie Colon ’20 – Summer Research Has Begun

Posted on May 31 by

Now that the 2018-2019 school year has come to an end, summer research has begun! Alex and Stephanie are working on optimizing the conditions for their calcium carbonate experiments. Stephanie, specifically, has been working on choosing between optical density and absorbance as a way of measuring the kinetics of calcium carbonate mineralization and how DNA affects it. Absorbance would be more sensitive but doesn’t have a flat baseline while optical density has a flat baseline but too much noise. Which method will Stephanie end up going with? Stay tuned....