Posted on Oct 31 by
Finding time to be successful in research during the academic year is a huge challenge for undergraduate students and professors. Dr. Gerdon has had an awesome semester working on so many great things – students building LEGO spectrophotometers in the Instrumental Analysis course, helping with a recent NECHE accreditation visit, working with Campus Mission & Ministry, developing a Social Justice Chemistry Seminar course, and much more. So, when do we find time for research? The students have done a great job of working little by little, one step at a time, to make forward progress. Each completed experiment and piece of data is celebrated as a success, even if it sometimes sends us back to the drawing board. The same is true for Dr. Gerdon – he has spent his most productive time helping with abstracts for the Spring ACS meeting and preparing this presentation that he will be giving at the Materials Research Society conference in Boston in...
Posted on Oct 24 by
Julia is so excited and sad that this is her final semester of doing research. She misses the fun of doing summer research with the GRAB lab but enjoys continuing her research during the school year as well! She has loved seeing the progress of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance project since she started and hopes to make some final strides before the semester ends. Julia recently has continued incorporating DNA aptamers into her mineralization experiments and analyzing the data. She is looking forward to making more memories in the lab and with the GRAB lab, especially when they take over Indianapolis for the ACS conference! Julia has also been busy on campus as a member of the Student Government Association (SGA). Emmanuel College is going through a regular (but major) accreditation process with the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) and Julia is doing a superb job of representing Emmanuel students in this important...
Posted on Oct 17 by
Ryan is excited to be back on campus and getting back into the swing of research! He is already missing all the fun that the group had during the summer but is excited to dive back into nanoparticles and mineralization experiments. Ryan has recently met with Donalissa, who has interest in taking over the nanoparticles, and gave her a rundown of the project! Ryan soon hopes to have mineralization results for nanoparticles with DNA aptamers attached, but a few minor setbacks have caused delays. He is looking forward to a whole new semester of...
Posted on Oct 10 by
Donalissa feels excited after visiting Hailey this week. In between her classes, she stopped by to see what EC GRAB Lab researcher Hailey was up to. During her visit, she learned all about about Hailey’s DNA origami. She helped Hailey carry her solutions to the plate reader to collect data. The most exciting part was gaining some knowledge about about the plate reader (WOOHOO!). Donalissa looks forward to seeing more of what the GRAB Lab has to...
Posted on Sep 30 by
Hailey is glad to be back doing research after taking the rest of the summer to relax at home! In between classes and homework, she’s been in the lab picking up where she left off with her mineralization experiments. She and the rest of the GRAB Lab just attended the Emmanuel College Summer Research Poster Session, where they presented all the progress they’ve achieved over the summer. It was great to see people’s interest in DNA origami and the rest of the GRAB Lab projects! She’s looking forward to continuing the DNA origami project this year and hopes to make even more...
Posted on Sep 23 by
Kristy feels refreshed after spending some time in her hometown after summer research! As she starts the new semester, she and Dr. Gerdon came up with new experiments to work on. Collagen mineralization never stops! (unless it’s been a week, after that they get analyzed) She stepped foot back into lab this week and continued with the collagen project, excited as always. Hopes are high with the new plan for analysis. She also invited Donalissa on her excursion to storing her samples as a side quest. Kristy hopes to record more TikToks this year and share more about GRAB...