Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Jason Miech ’18 – A tradition of laminar flow

Posted by on May 24, 2017 in Posts, Student News

The first week of summer research for rising senior Jason Miech has gone well. Here he uses the protonation of quinine by sulfuric acid to produce a fluorescent product. This allows for visualization of mixing and measurement of laminar flow in microfluidic cell designs. This design is called the “trident”!

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Krista Meserve ’18 – Summer Research Begins!

Posted by on May 18, 2017 in Student News

As spring semester came to a close and we had to say good-bye to our seniors, we got to look forward to summer research! We kicked off our first day of research with the annual first lunch at Tasty Burger. This summer we have five students conducting very important experiments in the lab: seniors Jason, Krista, and Bobby and juniors Jake and Emma! Here’s...

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