Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Katarina Kozicki ‘21 – Working in more than just the research lab

Posted by on Oct 29, 2018 in Posts, Student News

When the students of GRAB lab are not in class, studying, or doing research, many of them work as lab assistants. Katarina works as a lab assistant in a general chemistry lab and this week the students were creating their own abbreviated activity series. Working as a lab assistant is a good opportunity for Katarina to review her knowledge of basic...

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Alex Paige ’20 – Save the sea life

Posted by on Oct 29, 2018 in Posts, Student News

After researching the morphology of calcium phosphate, Alex will now move onto studying calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is a common mineral found in the ocean. With increasing climate change, more carbon dioxide is absorbed in the seawater, causing chemical reactions to occur that lower the pH of the ocean and the concentration of carbonate ions....

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Emma Duffy ’19 – Summer Research Poster Session

Posted by on Oct 1, 2018 in Posts, Student News

The members of Grab Lab are reflecting back on the summer as they look for inspiration for research during the fall semester. They attended and presented at the Emmanuel College Summer Research Poster Session to share the progress that has been made.  They also explored research projects going on in other departments. For example, in the Biology department...

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