Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Juan Alejandro ’25 – Change is Good….Hopefully!

Posted by on Oct 26, 2023 in Posts, Student News

A summer filled with research has ended, and the fall academic semester has finally begun. The theme for this new chapter of research has been change! Juan has currently changed the monitoring time-frame in which his mineralization experiments are conducted. By increasing how long the experiments last, he has gone from 20-hour experiments to multi-day...

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Marissa Diplacido ’25 – New Year, Same Nanoparticles

Posted by on Oct 19, 2023 in Posts, Student News

Marissa has been hard at work synthesizing more gold nanoparticles to use in her place exchange experiments. She recently found that performing a place exchange reaction has potential to produce what she has been hoping for most of the summer. As she continues her junior year and her academics, she is looking to the future for her research and how she can...

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Kristy Ta ’24 – Mixing Potions

Posted by on Oct 13, 2023 in Posts, Student News

Mixing Potions Kristy is taking the collagen mineralization project to the next level by continuing experiments to include gold nanoparticles. She’s finishing up her last year at Emmanuel College and is excited for her future career, but at the moment is focused on classes and research of course! Her first experiments will be with gold nanoparticles,...

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Congrats to Dr. Jason Miech ’18 – NASA Post-doctoral Fellow!

Posted by on Oct 5, 2023 in Alumni, Posts

Congrats to Dr. Jason Miech ’18 once again for the successful defense of PhD thesis in Chemistry in the School of Molecular Sciences at Arizona State University. Now there’s more exciting news that Jason will be starting a Post-doctoral Fellow program at NASA to continue his work in air quality assessment. Congrats Jason!

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Hailey Young ’24 – Fall Weather in the Cold Room

Posted by on Oct 5, 2023 in Posts, Student News

Hailey’s been hard at work this semester trying to assemble larger structures from the six-helix bundle DNA origami. It can get a bit chilly when performing gel electrophoresis in the cold room, but at least the weather’s still warm! After a string of inconclusive attempts during the summer, she’s excited that she has finally has proof of attachment for...

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