Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Ryan McCann ’23 – Looking Forward

Posted by on Apr 26, 2023 in Posts, Student News

As Ryan’s college experience at Emmanuel draws to a close, he has been reflecting on all the amazing people, memories and experiences he has had throughout his four years at Emmanuel.  Ryan has always loved chemistry, but through Emmanuel’s classes, and through research with the GRAB Lab, his love has only grown stronger.  Ryan is excited for graduation,...

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ACS Spring 2023 – Conference Success!

Posted by on Apr 6, 2023 in Posts, Student News

Congrats to Kristy Ta, Hailey Young, Ryan McCann, and Julia Japo on their great work at the American Chemical Society meeting this week! They contributed their science and expertise, learned new chemistry, made connections, and joined this amazing community. #chemistry...

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