Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Marielle Percuoco ’19 – Gelation

Posted by on Mar 28, 2019 in Posts, Student News

Marielle has been working hard this semester trying to adhere collagen hydrogels onto gold surfaces. Last week’s attempted experiment left her puzzled as there was no gelation of the collagen solution on the gold plate. This week, Marielle revised the experiment adding a positive control and another method for dropping the collagen solution onto the...

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Emma Duffy ’19 – Problems arise and are then solved

Posted by on Mar 21, 2019 in Posts, Student News

As Emma continues with the affinity project at the tail end of her senior year, she is reminded of one of the first lessons learned in research. There is no such thing as a failed experiment. Emma is now trying to further explore the selectivity of the DNA aptamers by running mineralization experiments for set amounts of time. The mineral produced in those...

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Jake Shlaferman ’19 – Back to Circular Dichroism

Posted by on Mar 12, 2019 in Posts, Student News

As his days of undergrad are coming to an end, Jake is working on side-projects related to his previous work. He is analyzing the secondary structure of the G-quadruplex that forms in the DNA aptamers in the presence of different cations. Based on literature and previous results, he hopes to find some trends that correspond to the mechanism that will be...

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