Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Luz Padilla ’22 – Forensics and Fabrics

Posted by on Jun 29, 2021 in Posts, Student News

This week Luz finished performing headspace analysis of volatile liquids, hexane and gasoline, on four sample fabrics. These fabrics are denim, linen, polyester, and nylon. The headspace analysis using the GC-MS instrument has shown– through chromatograms and mass spectra, that this method is most likely not sensitive enough to detect the molecules...

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Welcome to Esther Hines!

Posted by on Jun 29, 2021 in Posts, Student News

The GRAB Lab is excited to welcome Esther Hines, chemistry instructor from Billerica Memorial High School, to the group! Esther is part of our NSF-funded research that includes recruiting an amazing high school chemistry teacher to the group for several weeks over the summer to learn about our work, re-engage in chemistry research activity, and develop an...

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Publication! Congrats to Bobby and Easwer

Publication! Congrats to Bobby and Easwer

Posted by on Jun 29, 2021 in Alumni, Posts

Congratulations to Bobby Tzepos and Easwer Raman on their recent publication in Electroanalysis! A number of students worked on this project at Emmanuel College, including Marianna Barnhart and Katarina Kozicki, in addition to all the hard work that Bobby and Easwer put in. This project originated with Dr. Gerdon, Dr. Lauren Toote, and Dr. David Wright at...

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Julia Japo ’23 – Collagen and QCM

Posted by on Jun 25, 2021 in Posts, Student News

Julia is so excited to be back in the lab for the summer! It is her first time doing summer research on campus. Julia has started running collagen and mineralization QCM experiments with the two sets of instruments that are in the lab. She is planning on continuing these experiments, and hopefully start incorporating new mineralization solutions. She is...

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Rylie Bolarinho ’22 – Best friends with a spectrophotometer!

Posted by on Jun 15, 2021 in Posts, Student News

Rylie is very excited to be back in the lab full-time this summer! Rylie has begun working on the calcium carbonate project for GRAB Lab and has been spending her time running affinity experiments. For these experiments, Rylie is becoming best friends with our spectrophotometer as she measures absorbance for each sample. She is happy to be learning how to...

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