Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Donalissa Alphonse ’24 – Best Day at Cristo Rey!

Posted by on Nov 9, 2023 in Posts, Student News

Donalissa took a small break from experiments to spend some time to visit our summer research friend Dr. Gian Grant at her school, Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School. She was excited to share the wonders or research and Emmanuel College to all the chemistry students that she visited. One student shared her talents with Donalissa by gifting her a drawing...

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GRAB Lab Visits Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School

Posted by on Nov 7, 2023 in Posts, Student News

The whole research team had an amazing experience working with Dr. Gian Grant this past summer in our labs on campus at Emmanuel College. Last week was even better when Dr. Grant invited us to visit her school, Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School in Methuen, MA. Donalissa, Hailey, and Dr. Gerdon had a really great time meeting with Sr. Maryalyce Gilfeather,...

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