Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Donalissa Alphonse ’24 – Plotting and Scheming

Posted by on Feb 28, 2024 in Posts, Student News

Donalissa has been keeping herself busy by preparing for the upcoming ACS conference (National Meeting of the American Chemical Society!) in March. After hours of creating graphs and designing schemes, she can finally see her poster coming together. Although Donalissa has enjoyed working on her poster, she is eager to get back in the lab and begin running...

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Hailey Young ’23 – Snow Day? Snow problem!

Posted by on Feb 21, 2024 in Posts, Student News

Snow Day? Snow problem! After a not-so-snowy snow day last Tuesday, Hailey’s back in the lab running experiments for the week! She’s finishing up her work with DNA origami by testing different concentrations and types of cations in her annealing buffer to see how they interact with both the origami and the mineralization process. She’s excited to be in her...

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Dr. Gerdon and Science Fair Season

Posted by on Feb 9, 2024 in Alumni, Posts

Dr. Gerdon got to spend an awesome afternoon at Notre Dame Cristo Rey Academy with Dr. Gian Grant’s sophomore chemistry classes. It’s Science Fair time and these students had great projects on really interesting topics. All had clear testable questions and exceptional experimental design focusing on at least three parameters and each in triplicate. The...

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Kristy Ta ’24 – 24k Magic

Posted by on Feb 4, 2024 in Posts, Student News

After the long December and January break, Kristy headed straight to the lab to get started on her next project. She started her Au NP mineralization project and is excited for the outcome, it was a shaky start but there are high hopes! She’s also excited for the upcoming ACS conference this year in New Orleans. New experiments, new data and same...

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