Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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PUBLICATION! Congrats to Steph, Alex, Rylie, and Hailey!

Posted by on Jan 30, 2023 in Posts, Student News

Secondary Structure of DNA Aptamer Influences Biomimetic Mineralization of Calcium Carbonate ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2023 Congrats to Stephanie Colon, Alexander Paige, Rylie Bolarinho, and Hailey Young and the entire GRAB Lab team for this awesome work. We keep finding interesting ways that DNA aptamers interact with different minerals in...

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Alumni Publications!

Posted by on Jan 12, 2023 in Alumni, Posts

Our research alumni at Emmanuel College are awesome! Congrats to Krista Meserve on these new publications related to her graduate work in analytical chemistry. Great work! Chorioamnionitis-exposure alters serum cytokine trends in premature neonates, G.E. Stepanovich*, C.A. Chapman*, K. Meserve, J.M. Sturza, L.A. Ellsworth, R.C. Bailey, J.R. Bermick,...

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