Gerdon Research Group Blog

Analytical and Biomaterials Undergraduate Chemistry Research

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Floating the Charles

Posted by on Jul 28, 2022 in Posts, Student News

The group took to the Charles River for a float and a paddle to celebrate a successful summer. It was a beautiful afternoon and we had a great time taking in the views, narrowly missing sail boats, honking at Duck Boats, and not falling in. Chemistry research happens in the lab and out of the...

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Kristy Ta’23 – Soaking in (the sun) the calcium phosphate

Posted by on Jul 26, 2022 in Posts, Student News

Kristy’s first summer research was such an informing and unique experience! She learned about new instruments and even came up with her own experiments to run in the future! With guidance from Dr. Gerdon, and the creative juices flowing, lots of things got done this summer! All the experiments had their ups and downs but there was never a time where there...

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Hailey Young ’24 – Making the most of research

Posted by on Jul 20, 2022 in Posts

After taking off the week of the Fourth to visit family and friends, Hailey is back in the lab and ready to pick up where she left off. She is continuing to perform plate reader experiments to determine the effect of DNA origami on calcium phosphate mineralization as well as visualizing the origami structures via AFM imaging. This Monday was the GRAB lab’s...

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Ryan McCann ’23 – Learning Instruments and Interpreting Data

Posted by on Jul 13, 2022 in Posts, Student News

Ryan has been working on attaching our DNA aptamers to the three different gold nanoparticles that we’ve synthesized in the lab (including Rylie’s and Dianna’s syntheses), as well as starting calcium phosphate mineralization experiments using the absorbance plate reader instrument. He’s been working through calculations, solution...

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