Posted by on Jul 25, 2017 in Posts, Student News

As a busy summer of experiments and hard work finally comes to an end, the entire GRAB lab team gets out of the lab to spend a day on the wonderful Charles River in Boston. Kayaking is a fun way spend some quality time bonding outside of the lab! As Bobby Tzepos begins to conclude his summer research, he looks back and realizes how much progress he’s made on the malaria biomarker experiments.  After working on the electrochemical portion of the test for a year and a half now, he found a very low limit of detection! Moving along in the project, Bobby has been working on magnetic bead-antibody coupling the past few weeks and now changes gears toward the coupling of antibodies to cobalt porphyrin nanoparticles! It has been an exciting summer with great data and he can’t wait to start putting the entire plan together!