Posted by on Oct 11, 2017 in Posts, Student News

All research students, including Bobby Tzepos, Jake Shlaferman, Emma Duffy, Jason Miech, and Krista Meserve, presented their summer research findings at Emmanuel College’s Summer Research Poster Presentation in September.  This event is a great opportunity for undergraduate researchers at Emmanuel to present and share on-campus research conducted throughout the summer and school year.  This poster session was great practice on presenting research needed for the upcoming ACS conference in the spring in New Orleans that Bobby, Jason, and Krista plan on attending. Bobby’s research is now focusing on the sandwich complex part of the “scheme,” where he is optimizing the cobalt nanoparticle-antibody coupling to yield the most efficient conjugation possible.  Once that is complete, the goal is to finally detect a protein putting together the sandwich complex with stripping voltammetry!