The GRAB Open Lab event returned to campus this spring! The goal of the event is to open our lab doors to any student, faculty, or staff member of our community so that they feel welcome in science and the Wilkens Science Center. Safety is a first priority, so the entire research group was on hand to help participants out along the way. The participants this year were largely first year students hoping to learn more about what chemistry research is like on campus. After hearing about our NSF-funded research goals, they got into the lab to try some “unscripted” experiments within the bounds of our research. The students ran into some challenges and some unknowns that are so common to research, but were able to find a way to make adjustments to their method to see the influence of nanoparticles, DNA, acids, and bases on calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate mineralization. Thank you to everyone for participating!
Funding provided by the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research 1904460.
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