Posted by on Jul 6, 2022 in Alumni, Posts

This summer it has been great to reconnect with GRAB Lab alumni and to hear about amazing work that’s happening all over the country. Soon we will get to gather to share old and new stories in person, but here are a few updates from those unable to make it to Boston next week!

  • Congrats to Rylie, Dianna, Amanda, Luz, and Grace on graduation! All are off to amazing new adventures in chemistry.
  • Dr. Juliann Gavin ’16 is in Hawaii, starting the 3rd year of her OBGYN residency at the Tripler Army Medical Center. Juliann is the first from the group to get her MD!
  • Jason Miech ’18 just finished his third year at Arizona State towards his PhD. Check out these two recent papers (10.3390/toxics9110281 10.1016/j.aeaoa.2021.100105)!
  • Dr. Aimee Sanford ’16 defended her PhD from Emory University in December and is now on the west coast at Nautilus Biotech.
  • Dr. Keith Baillargeon ’16 defended his PhD from Tufts University in October and is cranking out the publications as a post-doc.
  • Gabby Zabala ’21 started a new position as Scientist I at Waters Corp!
  • Krista Meserve ’18 is working towards her PhD at Michigan and had her first grad school publication come out alongside an interview! She also recently ran into a colleague of mine at a Gordon Research Conference – small world!
  • Alex Paige ’20 completed his MS in Bioinformatics at BU and is now leading his own studies!

There are just a few of the recent updates I’ve heard and I know there are many more!