Dr. Gerdon is teaching the CHEM 1103 class this fall semester. This is an accelerated course that covers two semesters of general chemistry in just one term. Freshmen in this course have a strong background in chemistry and math coming into Emmanuel College and excel in this setting. In lab, these students get to learn more advanced techniques, including...
Read MoreKrista Meserve ’18 – Krista and ICP-AES take on NOLA
Senior Krista Meserve is all smiles in this selfie with the ICP-AES! This instrument utilizes atomic emission spectroscopy to measure the intensity of emission at a wavelength specific to the element of interest. Using a calibration curve, the intensity can be correlated to a concentration of the element, which is more useful to our work. Krista is using...
Read MoreAlex Paige ’20 – Nanoparticle synthesis
After several weeks of synthesis, Alex finished the first batch of gold nanoparticle monolayer protected clusters (MPCs) using tiopronin, an amino acid derivative, as the protecting ligand. The gold MPCs will be tested with different concentrations of calcium and phosphate to test their effect on mineralization. Other molecules such as DNA and polyethylene...
Read MoreBobby Tzepos ’18 – Summer Research Poster Session
All research students, including Bobby Tzepos, Jake Shlaferman, Emma Duffy, Jason Miech, and Krista Meserve, presented their summer research findings at Emmanuel College’s Summer Research Poster Presentation in September. This event is a great opportunity for undergraduate researchers at Emmanuel to present and share on-campus research conducted...
Read MoreEmma Duffy ’19 – a new year
Emma is starting the school year off strong by heading back into lab to continue the investigation of affinity equilibrium constants. She’s moving forward with a select few strands of DNA to do a more in-depth study of their affinity to hydroxyapatite. For the affinity experiments, binding is measured at a range of DNA concentrations and the Langmuir...
Read MoreNSF RUI award comes to a close
After four beautiful years of hard work, successes and failures, and support from the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, the group’s RUI grant came to a close. Through this award the group was extremely successful in developing, characterizing, and using a new analytical tool integrating mass analysis (QCM) and optical...
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