Even though research has been remote since the spring, Amanda has been staying busy! She has been working on data analysis for the mineralized hydrogels that were made last semester. She has also been planning some experiments to do when we’re back in the lab, which will hopefully be next week! She will be making more collagen hydrogels and will have more...
Read MoreLogan McGloin ’22 – More Literature!
Logan was hoping to get right back to research this fall to finish the microfluidics devices, but it seems that was delayed a little further. For now, Logan can use his new desk set-up at home to continue reading through literature papers in preparation for hopefully getting back to research on campus soon (maybe even in a couple weeks!). The plastic test...
Read MoreResearch Alumni Gathering – Zoom Edition!
Each year Emmanuel College GRAB Lab research alumni from across Boston return to the Fenway neighborhood to gather together. We get to hear about new chemistry and career successes and new life adventures. With 12 years of research alumni gathering together, it is also a great networking event. We all share a common enterprise and experience in analytical,...
Read MoreCongratulations to Dr. Vasconcellos!
The GRAB Lab and Dr. Gerdon would like to say a huge congratulations to Dr. Kayla Vasconcellos, D.M.D.! Kayla graduated summa cum laude from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine this year and is now a general practice resident at the Weill Cornell Campus of New York Presbyterian Hospital. Kayla has come a long way from nanoparticle synthesis, taking...
Read MoreSpring “Gathering” and Congratulations Seniors
A historic semester has come to a close! We are very proud of all the hard work that students did in a remote setting in the second half of the semester. That did put a damper on research progress, but we have been able to stay in touch as a research group and help each other along the way. We will pick things back up this summer and fall as soon as...
Read MoreScientist Without a Lab?
What does a scientist without a lab do? Undergraduate researchers at Emmanuel College are no different than any other chemist out there. We miss the lab! This can be difficult to deal with, for sure. Here’s some great advice from Dr. Zoe Ayres: https://twitter.com/ZJAyres/status/1242088285217972225/photo/1 So, we stay connected with an occasional...
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