This summer it has been great to reconnect with GRAB Lab alumni and to hear about amazing work that’s happening all over the country. Soon we will get to gather to share old and new stories in person, but here are a few updates from those unable to make it to Boston next week! Congrats to Rylie, Dianna, Amanda, Luz, and Grace on graduation! All are...
Read MorePublication! Survey of Analytical Chemistry Curriculum
Dr. Gerdon is super excited to share this amazing and comprehensive dive into what is currently being taught in Analytical Chemistry across the country. It was a lot of fun to work with faculty from across the world on this an to share the results in this publication. Let’s keep improving analytical chemistry education! Survey of the Undergraduate...
Read MorePaid High School Teacher Development Opportunity
Do you know a fantastic Boston-area high school chemistry teacher? My research group has National Science Foundation (NSF) funding to support professional development for a high school teacher. That means – join our group this summer, get in the lab, learn some new chemistry, and get paid for...
Read MoreIs there a doctor in the lab?
(Belated) congrats to two superstar alumni from Emmanuel College and from the GRAB Lab. In the past few months Aimee Sanford and Keith Baillargeon defended their doctoral theses to earn their PhDs in chemistry. Dr. Gerdon was really happy to attend both defenses via Zoom and is super proud of Dr. Sanford (Emory University) and Dr. Baillargeon (Tufts...
Read MoreFeature on Aimee Sanford ’16!
Congratulations to Aimee Sanford ’16 on a great spotlight feature and on such an amazing path from Emmanuel College GRAB Lab research, to the CDC, Emory University, and beyond. Thanks for the research shout-out! We can’t wait for that PhD defense coming soon! Check out the story here: From Soapberries to RE-SELEX Here’s a throwback...
Read MoreResearch Alumni Unite! – Summer 2021
It was fantastic to see research alumni in the Boston area come together in person to catch up, support each other, and support the current students in the research lab. We had a great time and missed all the alumni too far from campus to join in the fun. The network of research alumni keeps growing and the connections and accomplishments are impressive....
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